Foster Open Dialogue and Close Relationships with Our Stakeholders

- Sustainable procurement and working closely with our suppliers
- Together for Sustainability Initiative: 1, 400+ suppliers evaluated; 60%3 obtained an improved CSR rating in 2018.
- Enhanced employee diversity and gender equality
- Proportion of women in senior management positions of between 23% and 25%4 (21% in 2018).
- Proportion of non-French nationals in senior management positions of between 42% and 45%4 (39% in 2018).
- Using corporate philanthropy to sponsor educational and outreach programs
- The Education Fund helps finance around a dozen nonprofits throughout the world.
- Corporate sponsorship in France with Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, which puts on interactive operas for schools, Sport dans la Ville, etc.
- Participating in the local community
- Over 1,000 Common Ground® initiatives throughout the world (plant tours for local residents and schools, meetings with locally elected representatives and nonprofits, donations, etc.).
3. For the suppliers who updated their assessment in 2018.
4. By 2025.