2021 Annual and Sustainable Performance Report

Our beliefs for a more sustainable world

1 Phasing out hazardous substances:

Phasing out hazardous substances (HAPs*, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds, etc.) is a critical issue in the coating sector, driven by increasingly stringent regulations.
An underlying trend that is driving Arkema’s entire Coatings offering: the Group anticipates the implementation of new standards to offer its customers, manufacturers of paints, varnishes or lacquers, a wide range of solutions that comply with the highest health and environmental standards, beyond regulatory requirements. Its proven expertise in solvent‑free (aqueous, powder and UV‑curable resins) and high‑solid resins technologies also makes it one of the world’s leaders in reducing the use of volatile organic compounds in coatings.

*Hazardous Air Pollutants.

2 Bio‑sourced solutions:

The search for alternative feedstocks based on renewable or partially recycled materials is one of the main areas of focus in Arkema’s policy for reducing the carbon footprint of coatings. In the context of decorative paints and lacquers, this has led to the Synaqua® range of alkyd resins, which have a high content of bio‑sourced materials: from 42% to 96% of total carbon, depending on grade, mainly from paper byproducts. For photocurable specialty coatings, Arkema offers UV Sarbio® resins, based on renewable raw materials. Synaqua® and Sarbio® products have been awarded the USDA* label, which certifies their bio‑sourced content. In the context of specialty additives (modifying the fluid behavior of formulations), the Group has proven reference products in this field, with the Crayvallac® ranges (80% based on castor oil derivatives) for marine paints and construction sealants, and the Coapur range, which will introduce new bio‑renewable raw materials based thickeners for aqueous paints. In 2021, the Group also initiated a “mass balance” sourcing approach for its acrylics sector (see box opposite).

*US Department of Agriculture.


Some of our paint resins contain up to 96% bio‑sourced raw materials.