2021 Annual and Sustainable Performance Report

Inclusion, our greatest asset

Audrey, Engineer, France

“I joined Arkema in 2017, before being diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a degenerative autoimmune disease with fibromyalgia. It took a while before I was ready to start the RQTH (Recognition of Disabled Worker Status) process with the public bodies. I needed some time to accept my situation and recognize that I needed help. Well‑informed and supported by Arkema HR, I finally completed my RQTH application in 2019. This support has been crucial in enabling me to improve my well‑being at work.

I’ve benefited from new equipment such as an electric desk which lets me work standing up to relieve my pain. I’ve also been given more flexibility in my working hours and have facilities available to me for business trips. I’d also like to say that I’ve been really fortunate in having exceptional managers who have been kind and understanding, illustrating the value of inclusion that we’re talking about today. They made adjustments for me even though I wasn’t yet officially recognized as a disabled worker. My department’s team is amazing. Nobody has ever made me feel that I’m different. I had to tell them not to worry and that I’d let them know if there was a problem. You have to learn to communicate. My illness is obviously unfair and painful, but once you accept that, life is much better. In fact, I’m not Audrey, the person with a disability who needs to be handled with kid gloves. I’m just Audrey, the colleague they bug with incessant demands. True happiness (she laughs)!”

Logo : Forbes
Logo : Capital
Logo : HappyIndex® Trainees 2022 France. choose mycompany.

Arkema, at the top of the HR 2021 rankings

In 2021, Arkema ranked highly on four HR leaderboards of international and
French magazines and institutes. These rankings reflect how well our employees, work‑study students and trainees perceive their company. They’re also an indication of what the Group is doing to establish itself among the best in terms of talent management, promoting women, diversity and inclusion.

For the last five consecutive years, we have featured in the Forbes list of the World’s Best Employers: whereas last year we were 259th out of 750 companies, we ranked 102nd in the 5th edition of Forbes 2021. We are also ranked 8th out of
54 French companies on this list. The survey was carried out among
150,000 employees in 58 countries working for multinational companies and institutions. Participants were asked to assess their willingness to recommend their own employer to their friends and family, and to rate their satisfaction with their employer in terms of overall image, economic footprint, talent development,
gender equality and social responsibility.

Within the list of the 500 best employers in France compiled by Capital magazine, Arkema features in the Top 20 and is recognized as the best‑perceived employer in France's Oil and Chemical sector. This excellent ranking by our employees underlines our commitment to a high quality working life, diversity, gender equality and the wealth of the roles we offer.

Finally, for the third time, Arkema has been recognized by HappyIndex® Trainees 2022 France as the company where trainees and/or work‑study students are the most motivated and happy in their work! Arkema ranks 2nd in the category “Companies with 200 to 499 trainees and/or work‑study students per year.”