2021 Annual and Sustainable Performance Report




Chaired by Thierry le Hénaff, the Board of Directors determines the Group's strategic orientations and oversees their implementation. It is composed of 14 members, eight of whom are independent directors. It has seven female members, two directors representing employees and one representing employee shareholders.

Thierry Le Hénaff, Chairman & CEO of Arkema
Jean‑Marc Bertrand, Director representing employee shareholders
Isabelle Boccon‑Gibod, Non‑independent Director, representing the French Equity Fund FSP
(Fonds Stratégique de Participations)
Marie‑Ange Debon, Independent Director
Ilse Henne, Independent Director
Ian Hudson, Independent Director
Victoire de Margerie, Independent Director
Nathalie Muracciole, Director representing employees
Laurent Mignon, Non‑independent Director*
Hélène Moreau‑Leroy, Independent Director
Sébastien Moynot, Independent Director, representing Bpifrance Investissement
Thierry Pilenko, Independent Director
Susan Rimmer, Director representing employees
Philippe Sauquet, Independent Director

11 meetings

including one day dedicated to the Group’s strategy with an attendance rate of 100%.


meeting attendance rate.

*More than 12 years of presence on the Board of Directors.

To help it carry out its duties, the Board of Directors has set up three specialized committees:

THE AUDIT AND ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE, composed of Marie‑Ange Debon (Chairwoman), Isabelle Boccon‑Gibod, Ilse Henne and Ian Hudson. This committee ensures the quality of internal control and the reliability of the information provided to shareholders and financial markets.

THE NOMINATING, COMPENSATION AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE, composed of Thierry Pilenko (Chairman), Hélène Moreau‑Leroy, Lead Director, Nathalie Muraccioleand Philippe Sauquet. This committee makes its recommendations on the composition of the Board, the compensation policy for corporate officers (including the CEO) and corporate governance best practices.

THE INNOVATION AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH COMMITTEE, composed of Victoire de Margerie (Chairwoman), Jean‑Marc Bertrand, Isabelle Boccon‑Gibod, Ian Hudson and Sébastien Moynot. This new committee, created in 2021, is responsible for assessing the contribution of Arkema’s innovation and strategy to environmental issues and sustainable growth. Together with the other two committees, it carries out comprehensive reviews on all of the Group’s ESG and non‑financial issues.